Mrs. Shannon McClintock Miller
District Teacher Librarian,
Future Ready
United States
Shannon McClintock Miller is an international speaker, consultant and author who has a passion for education, librarianship, advocacy, technology, social media and making a difference in the world and lives of others, especially children. Shannon serves as the preschool-12 district teacher librarian and innovation director at Van Meter Community School District in Iowa. She is also the Future Ready Librarians Spokesperson working with the Alliance of Excellent Education in Washington DC. Shannon is an avid blogger at, The Library Voice, writing, speaking and consulting on librarianship, education and students around the world. She is also the author of several children’s and professional books including Leading from the Library with ISTE and Sonia’s Digital World with Capstone and ISTE. And her most favorite role of all....proud mom of 3 amazing kids and lucky wife of Eric's.
14-Jan-2025SOUTH 320EFLibrary Leaders Summit
14-Jan-2025SOUTH 330CThe Essential Teacher Librarian Toolbox For Book Promotion, Teaching, Marketing, Collaboration & More!
15-Jan-2025SOUTH 230CLibrary Leaders Track Orientation
15-Jan-2025SOUTH 331D10 Ways To Bring Learning and Reading To Life Through Technology, Making and More!
16-Jan-2025SOUTH 210BCANCELLED - Empowering Your Library Program With AI