Brandon Salley
Curriculum Development Specialist,
United States
Brandon Salley serves as a Cybersecurity Curriculum Specialist with CYBER.ORG. With a background in Biology and Chemistry, he has always had a passion for educating people of all ages in the STEM fields. Prior to being an educator, he served as a mentor for several local robotics teams, was a member of the team who hosted competitions, and developed competition challenges. In the classroom, he has taught Biology, Chemistry, Forensics, AP Computer Science, Cyber Literacy I & II, Cyber Society, and more. He went on to serve as the curriculum lead for his school. Regardless of the task, he strives to make learning engaging, hands-on, and fun and continues to do so for CYBER.ORG where he is part of the curriculum team as well as part of the CYBER.ORG Range and CTF crews.
14-Jan-2025SOUTH 230HCybersecurity Training for 9-12 Teachers & Administrators