Hidden Gems of Collaboration
January 14, 2025
Library Leaders
Join us for an engaging workshop tailored for librarians, teachers, and administrators aiming to encourage a culture of collaboration within their school communities. This interactive session will provide you with the strategies and tools needed to identify and leverage hidden gems in your school, ultimately benefiting students, faculty, and the broader community. Session Highlights: - Collaborative Framework Start with our "Listen and Learn"approach to lay the groundwork for effective partnerships. - Group Projects: Work in small groups on a mock project to explore potential community partnerships. - Reflect and Apply: Reflect on how to implement this collaborative framework in your own projects and lessons. By the end of this session, you'll leave with a toolkit of practical strategies and inspiring ideas to unlock your school's hidden treasures and unleash their potential for a transformative impact. Don't miss this chance to enhance your professional development and drive meaningful change in your community.
All-Access Registration Required
Session Type
Workshops (2 hrs)
Library Media Science
Curriculum Area