Harnessing the Power of AI Chatbots
January 17, 2025
Classroom Leaders
This session will provide a hands-on workshop of how chatbots can be used to personalize learning and an explanation of the pathway the United Nations International School has taken to develop AI literacy for faculty including schoolwide goals, policies, professional development, and tool exploration. The hands-on investigation of chatbots will allow participants to create and iterate their own interactive bots for student and teacher use. Attendees will leave this session with an understanding of the power of bots to support student learning for a variety of purposes such as: feedback, writing support, study partner, role play, unit review and thinking partner; and teacher daily tasks including: feedback, planning, differentiation and analyzing data. Participants will leave with ideas and resources to launch a similar process in their own schools.
All Registration Types Permitted
Session Type
Workshops (2 hrs)
Emerging Technology (AI/blockchain/web 3.0/metaverse/etc)
Curriculum Area
Emerging Technology (AI/AR/VR/XR/MR/3D Printing/Metaverse/etc.)