Bring Your Existing Course Assignments to Life with Generative AI
January 16, 2025
School Leaders
Imagine that all teachers had the resources to personally train and send forth a team of tutors, one for each of their students, so that as the students learned the material and completed assignments for the course, they would benefit from immediate, personalized feedback and a one-on-one tutoring experience. In this presentation I’ll present a new software product that makes this scenario a reality. The Personify web app allows any instructor to take existing material and assignments, and personify them as an AI Tutor powered by the best available large language model. Professors enter both problems/questions and solutions/evaluation criteria, allowing the AI Tutor to evaluate and Socratically discuss student answers based on instructor-provided expertise. Ideal for homework assignments, reading comprehension, and practice quizzes & tests. Attendees with a laptop will have an opportunity to demo the product (
All Registration Types Permitted
Session Type
Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
Emerging Technology (AI/blockchain/web 3.0/metaverse/etc)
High School (grades 9-12)
Curriculum Area
Emerging Technology (AI/AR/VR/XR/MR/3D Printing/Metaverse/etc.)