Assistive Technology, Who, What, When, Where, Why and How!
January 16, 2025
Inclusion Leaders
As we all move forward realizing the importance of accessibility and equity not just equality, has your district created an Assistive Technology Program? Does your program serve only students with IEP’s and 504’s? How can you create a system that engages general education teachers and helps students without a documented disability move toward greater success. Is Universal Design helping more students or just a buzz word. Join me to discuss how to create a system that captures the most students while maintaining the integrity of your Assistive Technology program and the rigor of your courses. I will share ideas we have used as well as learn from each other. Leave with suggestions for a road map if you don’t have an AT program and learn how we continue to reflect and make changes to our approach.
Session or All-Access Registrations Required
Session Type
Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
Special Education/Assistive Technology/Inclusive Tech
Curriculum Area
Special Education/Assistive Technology/Inclusive Tech
Future Ready